Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Project Update

It has been an interesting semester so far, most of the track fabrication is done, software is almost ready, and cabin design has been finalized and 3D printed.
The track has been expanded to 2 loops and 4 stations. We have assembled the outer circle with all the curves and straight ways. It is ready to be tested with the bar code and vehicle propulsion system. All stations have been assembled and attached to the track. Inner loops work has also been updated with straight ways and stations. Currently, the process of the work is being done on the connection between inner loops and outer loop with curves and tracks. The team is anticipating to have a completed track with all the posts, and stations by 4/28.
Throughout the semester, I was also involved with the control team in improving the current software design. We have successfully implemented a collision prevention software on each vehicle. We used Ultrasonic distance sensors to sense obstacles and slow down accordingly or stop if reached a certain range of distance. The development was tested and showed positive results. The vehicles were able to follow each other at the normal distance, and also stop if the front vehicle is stopped. We have also expanded the communication system between multiple vehicles and a computer. We went with using Xbees and Xbee shields for the purpose of communication. They were easy to work and have straightforward functions. We were successfully able to establish a connection between two Xbees and transfer information. As far the information processing of each vehicle goes, we have to receive the current position and speed of each vehicle. We have implemented a barcode system to determine the position of the vehicle along the track. Barcodes are attached on the track and bogie system carries a reader that would read the barcode and determine the location of the vehicle. Since barcodes are attached at equal distance, therefore, it's necessary to determine the speed, so the location of the vehicle between barcodes can also be measured precisely.
The cabin design has also been finalized and a 3D printed model have been made. The cabin houses all the electronic and sensors and shows a replica of the full size model.

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