Monday, September 21, 2015

9/17/2015 Meeting Agenda

After the meeting on 9/17/2015, i looked into the control code of the scale bogie and got an idea of how it functions. The code was written by Korean team and it has very little to no comments on the code. The code have to be revised to include new specifications of the design. The team came up with the idea of a tracking device, sort of mini GPS system to define the bogie's position. In the new design a sensor will be implemented for collision control between bogies.
The scale model's track design was also analyzed and came to decision of extending the track with the current design. The current track has a working prototype and for the concern of time, it will only be extended and will try to include some slopes of 17 degrees.
Lastly, the wayside pickup power of the scale model was designed. The team came up with some ideas for how it can be implemented into the current track. The designs will be picked based on the application, cost, and material. By the end of this week the team may have a design for wayside pickup.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Project Proposal for Wayside Pickup and Control Unit

After the meeting on 9/9/2015, i brainstormed some ideas of how a wayside pickup power can be implemented into the track. The wayside source power can be possible by installing a conducting material between the track and have a connecting point at the bogie. The power cable can be connected to the conducting material and have grounds run through the support towers with proper insulation. An additional trail will be added to the top track to support conducting material. Once the redesigning of the current track to resemble actual model is done, then a sample track will be tested for the functionality. The conducting trail will be installed in between the distance of Bogie's tires. Below figure shows a hand sketch of the design in different views.
Proposed Design for wayside
The above picture illustrates the basic model of wayside power pickup rail. An additional rail made of copper will be added to the track system and bogie will powered by completing the circuit.
The connection pivot should have a shoe for better and steady transfer of power to the Bogie. The current to the Bogie can be blocked by outside controllers and also by the passengers to prevent any fire injuries.
The second part of my proposal will be focused on control system of the scale model Bogie. The current design does not integrate any sensor in the system and it communicates through Xbee wifi kit. This has enabled the Scale Bogie to be accessed from any laptop with proper software and Wifi. The goal of this year's team will be to improve the communication with the master controller, implement sensors for collision prevention, and having a sort of GPS system on the Scale Bogie for its positioning along the track. Current Bogie design will be altered to compensate for changes in the track. The idea of the design will be to see the positioning of each bogie through a computer screen and constantly receive the data from the bogie. Much of the controls will be done through the computer, but once the idea has been improved an App will be designed that can access the bogie.

9/9/2015 Meeting

During this meeting teams were formed into 4 categories. Full size Model, scale model, solar, and cabin. After the initiations of the main groups, the team met up and divided into sub groups to work on each project. I was part of wayside pickup power and control unit for the scale model. We looked at the previous year team's report and brainstormed some ideas for improvements.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Solar implementation and Control Unit

The idea of the project is to introduce a transportation system, where solar is the main power supply and reduce the carbon emission. I have seen the documents about the solar wayside power pickup but no actual prototype has been installed yet. My goal for this semester is to design a wayside power pickup system to transfer power directly from solar cells onto the onboard bogie. Initially, it will be installed on the scale project to demonstrate its sole purpose and run many iterations to its perfect design. It is easy to made changes on small bogie as compared to the full scale, and it's also cost effective. The design requires highly conductive material to be installed on the tracks and a connection pivot on the bogie. Once the bogie is placed on the track the connection pivot will then complete the circuit. There are many safety design that needs to be implemented parallel with the design. The connection pivot should be manually controlled to minimize the current shock or in the worst case it should cut power upon detecting any danger. The following figure shows a rough sketch of the deign.
Wayside Pickup power
The next portion of my investigation will be to work on the control system of the scale model. It is the single most important aspect of the project for automation. I have seen in many demos about the glitches of the bogie. The non-responsive operation of the bogie, missing stations, and getting stalled on the tracks were seen during the demo. Upon talking to previous year team mates and summer colleagues, they have suggested to change the support system of rails to a differential design and also create new tracks using long piece of aluminum, smoothing the corners and welding parts will improve bogie's operation. The goal for this year will be to fix the track and redesign if necessary, also make it wider and add more stations to resemble the actual function of full scale model, robust the communication system of the bogie with the master controller, and also introduce more bogies to the track to operate at the same time. There will be many challenges in the completion of this project but i believe with hard work and a set goal everything is possible.

Week of 9/2/2015

Unfortunately i was not able to make it to this meeting due sudden death of my cousin. But i have been involved in the project on and off during summer. I have seen a lot improvements over the summer, which gives a challenge to do better because we have more time and people working on this project. Throughout my interactions with all the current and previous team members, i have learned a lot about the project and its progress. I learned the dynamics of the scale and full size model, the working prototype of scale model, functionality of bogie and its support system, and the design of cabinet.


Hi, my name is Nasrat Haidari and I am a senior BSME major at San Jose State University with concentration in Mechatronics. I have transferred from Chabot Community College. I have been involved in various projects throughout my educational journey such as: automatic wave tank agitating system, optical keyboard, and recently in fruit peeler and cutter. I have great interest in making everyday life better and i believe Spartan Superway serves that purpose. The project is environment friendly and focuses on bringing transportation system to a next level for the ease of everyday commute. My field of interest in this project is to work on small scale model, more particularly in the implementation of solar power and improvements of control unit. I am looking forward to give my 100 % into this project and see how the outcome is going to be.